Sunday, September 07, 2008

Arghhhh,,,,Finally I've finished my group assignment. As expected, there's always some disagreement over certain issues, probably caused by the pressure you get when rushing for submission. I think after this assignment, we had differentiated ourselves between the guys in the group, or you can say: Battle between the sexes! I think it's just the way girls are, we always panic whereas guys seems so cool (which was interpreted by girls as unconcerned and they don't care!).

No more group projects!!!! I keep wanting to say that the guys in our group are use*le**! Even sharon was commenting that they act like 15 year old kids haha (was laughing over this comment)! 1 guy was erm... We*r*, another was ogling at girls *shakes head* I really want to bash him when he said, why he can't be with the other girls who are prettier..=.=

Maybe I can't really blame them? Because one just came out from NS and one was abit We*r*? They are not even gentlemanly! Even the guys in my office know how to act like a GENTLEMAN! *shake head again*

Anyway, the semester ended so fast...soon I will be taking my examinations. Hopefully I get transferred to the part-time course AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I don't want to work with these guys again =.=

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