Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wahhh...I have managed to finish the first phase of design changes for my Sunday. It's still not complete yet, I'm going to add in more widgets for the side menu but haven't decided what to add. I will do some research to get the nicest widgets.

See my new banner? Hehe...So far my favourite band because I have been listening to their songs everyday on my bus journey and I can't seem to get bored of it~ I wonder why~~~

If you take a look closely, There are two crowns on 2 guys. They are my favourites in the band. Miku (with shades) is the vocal and Takuya is the guitar player. Omg they are sooooo SHUAI and CUTE! The other 2 at the side you can ignore haha!

Antic Cafe is somehow different from other Visual Kei bands as they have somewhat brought in a little "cuteness" to their style. So you won't be expecting very gross and very noisy images and music such as the Gazette (which is so far the most popular in all of the Visual Kei bands because it's gross and noisy enough). If you have seen Gazette's PV, it's very disgusting~ I don't intend to describe to you but I can give you some keywords to what I mean by gross: blood, hospital, operation....

Some photos for you to know more about Antic Cafe:


Who is this kawaii girl? If you think "she" then you are wrong. He is actually the very left guy on the left of my blog banner. Shocked? Lol...

Their new album~ Takuya is soooo SHUAI! Kyaaaaa....

Ok. That's all. Hopefully I get my updates done next week.

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