Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Was very busy lately because of our marketing people who has agreed to their customers ridiculous dateline which is what I will say mission impossible.

So in the end, I have to rush his design job and also juggle the ever demanding admin work from our boss. ARHHHHH! I had enough! QUIT QUIT! I was thinking why I need to do so much work with such little pay. The marketing staff best tactic to make you do his work without grumbling is to "BRIBE" you or give you a treat. I'm not going to be cheated by that (often sometimes I do take their bribes). But for this time, I'm not going to take the bribe because I'm simply cannot agree the way they do things.

And the company still did not manage to any capable admin stuff to do this ever ending admin work.

So when I felt stress and wanted to bash people up (because I can't beat up these marketing people), I will take out my PSP and play Dynasty Warriors and vent my anger on these puppets which will be there for me to kill.

Anyway, my SIM offer came so I think it's just a matter of time before I got release from my pain haha. I'm so happy that I will be taking half day leave tomorrow (to escape) because I need to go to maybank to ask for a study loan >.< $$$ again....


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