Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rainy day is definitely a very good day to sleep. Too bad that I have to wake up to go to work >.< I only slept at 1am yesterday so I'm quite restless in the office. Been wanting to fall asleep while doing the website changes in the office. I think I'm going to sleep early today so that I won't fall asleep in the office tomorrow.

Last night, was having some talk with my father and sis about Japanese surname. How come they got 4 letter characters in their name. My father said Japanese don't really have a surname. They actually got their surname from where they lived. So my father told me this story as an example. I was kind of laughing away. Let's say this guy is called 太郎 and he lives at the mountain top. Mountain top in chinese is 山上. So you combine together and you have a name: 山上太郎。lol. It's really funny how it's interpreted but I think this is how they got their surname.

Let's say for my sis's favourite idol, his name is called: 山下智久。 From the first 2 characters, you can tell that his ancestors was living below the mountain that's why the 山下. 智久 is his name.

Haha. Facscinating how japanese names derived. Ok. That's about all. I now going to surf this website that I've recently came across by chance.
All you need to know about japanese culture. I think "ero" guys may like this site. Please do not be mistaken. I wanted to browse that site is because it's really a good site that depicts and writes alot on Japanese street culture and those daily life which you will not experience even if you go there for a week holiday. Really an eye opener for me but till now, my view of Japanese culture is the guys there are really "perverts", "guy dominated" and "girls are just merely a pretty vase with noo brains". Ok. I think I'm writing more like an ah-mah. haha.

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